Timothy K. Giordano, Esq.


Firm Announcements and Law Updates

Election Law Minute: NJ Voting Rights


Every Vote Matters, America! Our country has a wide range of diverse beliefs that make it truly great: every voice matters, even those you disagree with, and we all have an interest in protecting the great RIGHT TO VOTE.

Here are some tips to make sure *your* voice is heard in NJ on Election Day:

6 TO 8, VOTING’S GREAT! Polls are open from 6AM to 8PM—everywhere in NJ, at least they should be by law. If your site is not open (happens in early AM) call 1-877-NJ-VOTER & report it. If you are in line by 8PM, you are entitled to vote no matter how long the line may be or how late it may get.

NO ID, VOTE WITH GLEE! There is NO ID required to vote in NJ, in almost all cases. A limited exception exists if this is your first year registered to vote, and election officials were unable to verify your ID prior to voting day. It is a narrow exception, and unlikely to apply.

If you are asked for ID at the poll improperly, here’s what you can do:(1) Tell the Poll Worker: “NJ does not require ID to vote”; (2) If they continue to insist on an ID, you may ask to see a Judge—they *must* provide information about the assigned judge, who can issue you an Order to Vote (every County has judicial coverage from 6AM- 8PM);(3) You may also ask for a “Provisional Ballot” – anyone may vote this way, ID or not.

If you are turned away from voting FOR ANY REASON you can ask to “see a Judge” OR for a “provisional ballot.” Anyone, in any circumstance, anywhere, can vote via provisional ballot.

DOWN WITH SNAILS, VOTE BY MAIL(s)! There’s still time! Anyone registered in NJ is permitted to vote by mail, and you may request your mail Ballot from your County Clerk until 3PM on November 5.

YOUR GEAR IS SWEET, BUT DON’T CHEAT! NJ law prohibits “electioneering” at the polls-- that means you can’t wear or bring anything (visible) that contains a candidate or party name or image, including hats, pins, t-shirts, etc.

IN A LURCH, CALL OR CHIRP! Call 877.NJ-VOTER or Tweet #NJvoteHelp if you have problems voting.

Tim Giordano